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Corporate Responsibility

We hold ourselves accountable for making a meaningful impact on the health of our communities, strengthening our workforce, and enhancing the environmental sustainability of our operations and business activities.

Our board plays a vital role in overseeing our corporate responsibility practices. Our Governance Committee monitors the company’s social responsibility and environmental sustainability initiatives, including climate-related matters. 

Environmental Sustainability

Elevance Health continually improves the environmental sustainability of our operations and business activities to make our communities healthier.

Supporting Our Communities

Elevance Health partners with communities on innovative, sustainable, and equitable solutions to improve health.

Strengthening Our Workforce

Elevance Health fosters an inclusive workplace environment where all associates can contribute their best work.

I joined Elevance Health because of the incredible opportunity to make a positive impact on millions of lives."

Gail K. Boudreaux

President and CEO, Elevance Health

Sustainability Performance Data

Elevance Health measures and discloses sustainability performance data to be transparent and hold ourselves accountable to continual improvement.