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Adrian Ware: Leveraging Data to Drive Health Equity and Improve Health Outcomes

Elevance Health Impact
July 23, 2024

Adrian Ware is a manager of program/project management, leading a team that supports Medicaid Health Plans with data reporting needs. He manages the operational process of retrieving information that is required in reports for the state, and he ensures reports are accurate and submitted on time. Ware also reviews the current processes and explores ways to continuously improve the work, to be more efficient and effective in state regulatory data reporting.

A champion of health equity, Ware’s lifelong interest in healthcare focuses on supporting groups of people who  have been historically marginalized and people experiencing poverty. Deeply motivated by his faith and family, Ware’s endeavors in his work and community are aimed at helping people live healthier lives. His determination stems from his past experiences, which motivated him to excel personally, professionally, and academically.

“My grandmother raised me, and my mother was a single parent and a Medicaid recipient,” Ware said. “They told me education was my ticket out of poverty. I have seven degrees, which include a doctorate in counseling, a Master of Public Health in epidemiology, a Master of Science in microbiology, and a Master of Business Administration in healthcare. My mission is to serve God and be a blessing to my family, my community, and everyone I encounter.”

How does your work advance Elevance Health’s purpose to improve the health of humanity?

My team supports state contract data requirements, which not only ensures our ongoing operations within the state, but also facilitates the acquisition of new business opportunities. Our data reporting provides information needed to determine the effectiveness of our clinical programs, which allows us to quickly identify areas of improvement and ultimately improve health. Our work building and creating reports promotes improved outcomes and enhances the overall experience for both members and providers. This “behind-the-scenes” work is essential for our company to provide exceptional healthcare services to members.

Any professional advice for associates?

Network, network, network! I attribute much of my success at Elevance Health to networking with many of the great minds I have the pleasure to work with. Take advantage of the resources available to you within the company, including Business Resource Groups (BRGs). I am a member of the African American Professional Exchange (APEX) BRG, which has been an incredible springboard for my success. As part of APEX, I have been able to network, receive mentoring, volunteer, and participate in professional development activities. I also advise associates to be willing to jump in and contribute to a project, as you have the bandwidth to do so. Plus, be kind. Politeness goes a long way, and I have had success through building relationships, being competent, and friendly.

Any notable work achievement or recognition?

I was recognized in an article on diversity, equity and inclusion published in the St. Louis American, which featured my commitment to end racial disparities in health. Additionally, I have received numerous workplace awards for leading with purpose and heart, providing excellent program management support, strategy development, budgetary oversight, and cost savings to our health plans.

Is there a fulfilling experience where you realized the positive impact of your work on consumers or the healthcare system?

I am a huge proponent of health education and health literacy, especially for people in groups that have been historically marginalized. During the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, I was involved with program management of the Vaccine Adherence in Kids program, a partnership with Elevance Health and Pfizer, Inc. As part of this initiative, over 500,000 member households received a postcard with information about vaccines, aiming to increase vaccine safety awareness and immunization adherence. As an epidemiologist, it was extremely fulfilling for me to realize the impact of our efforts to prevent disease and improve health outcomes.

How do you maintain your health and well-being?

My faith in God is my greatest source of maintaining my personal health and spiritual well-being. I pray often, meditate, practice mindfulness activities to support my mental health, and I exercise weekly at the St. Louis Metro YMCA.

What are your interests or favorite activities?

My wife and I have been married 14 years, and we have four children (ages 13, 11, 10, and 9). I enjoy traveling with my family, especially to Florida, and attending my children’s sports events, musical recitals, and theatrical showcases. I am a true sports fan and I love the Dallas Cowboys.

Tell us about any volunteer work or community involvement.

I am involved with my church, where my wife and I lead the marriage ministry, the youth bible quizzing ministry, and I lead the men’s ministry. I also volunteer with several local non-profit organizations to serve the community.

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