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Linda Rousseau: Addressing Member Inquiries With Exceptional Compassion and Care

Elevance Health Impact
August 24, 2023

Linda Rousseau, Customer Care Manager II, Elevance Health

As a customer care manager for Elevance Health-affiliated plans, Linda Rousseau cares for members by managing a team that compassionately handles member inquiries and helps them understand their health plan benefits. For 17 years, she's led by example, both in the workplace and in the community.

How does your role advance Elevance Health’s purpose to improve the health of humanity?

I lead a call center team that strives to provide great customer service to the people we serve, one customer inquiry at a time. Our team is always doing their best to focus on the caller’s needs. This includes educating callers about benefits of their plan, technology such as mobile apps, and web portals that provide easy access to information and support. We connect callers to community resources and always show empathy and care.

What was a fulfilling moment when you knew your work had a positive impact on members?

Each time we receive comments from customers that our team provided them with great service! Receiving that positive feedback lets us know we are providing our customers with the care they need — when they need us the most.

What experiences have shaped your interest in healthcare?

I have worked in the insurance industry most of my adult life, and I was a member of a Medicaid health plan as a child. I was born with a disability, and some believed I would not be able to walk. Due to the great benefits provided by my insurance plan and through the loving care of my physicians, I am able to walk independently. When I look at my life and its many challenges, I feel my biggest accomplishments were not what I have done, but what I have overcome.

Do you have any volunteer or community service roles?

I volunteer for two non-profit organizations who offer programs that help people achieve self-sufficiency. I’m involved with Dress for Success Indianapolis, where I was a client many years ago and benefited from the services. Now, I’m a Dress for Success board member and founder and leader of their Professional Women’s Group Leadership Team — helping women develop skills and knowledge to be successful in a career. I was also honored to be selected as a Dress for Success Global Ambassador in 2021.

I also volunteer at Holy Family Shelter, which provides help for families experiencing homelessness. My goal in volunteer roles is to make a positive impact on people’s lives, help them build successful careers, and gain overall confidence. Helping others in my community also benefits my overall mental health and well-being.

What activities do you enjoy and how do they contribute to your health?

I love traveling and exploring beautiful places. I enjoy family activities — especially with my mom who is 100 years young. This helps me feel calm, relaxed, and releases stress.

What is the most rewarding part of working at Elevance Health?

The focus on work-life balance, the flexibility to have time to be involved in community initiatives, and the networking opportunities within the organization through business resource groups (BRGs). Additionally, the career, leadership, and development opportunities I have had working in both Medicare and Medicaid throughout my 17 years with Elevance Health.

What is your best workplace advice? 

Develop mentor/mentee partnerships in the workplace, and network and collaborate within your teams and business partners. These partnerships will help increase your understanding of business operations, learn from the experiences of others, and navigate your career. As you grow, find your passion and what role fulfills you in the workplace. Also remember, don’t sweat the small stuff.

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