Working in Partnership

With Care Providers

When we work together to improve all facets of health — physical, behavioral, and social — we can strengthen and simplify the healthcare delivery system. This is why we collaborate closely with care providers to achieve our common goal of helping people lead healthier lives.

When we work together to improve all facets of health - physical, behavioral, and social - we can strengthen and simplify the healthcare delivery system. This is why we collaborate closely with care providers to achieve our common goal of helping people lead healthier lives.

Value-Based Care in 2023:

Enhancing Patient Treatment and Boosting Provider Earnings

Value-based care (VBC) allows care providers the freedom to treat the unique needs of patients and communities, while at the same time meeting evidenced-based standards that help ensure all consumers benefit. Unlike traditional fee-for-service models, which pay doctors and hospitals based on the number of services they perform, value-based care incentivizes improved health outcomes..

Additionally, value-based care is helping care providers financially; in 2023 alone, more than $1 billion in additional payments from our affiliated health plans were earned by value-based care providers.

Advancing Health Together Report

Learn more about how we work with providers to improve care in our Advancing Health Together Report.